Welcome to the Physique Lab.
Our goal is simple. We want to help you to achieve your fitness goals.
Whether you want to increase your muscle mass, lose bodyfat, get stronger, improve your conditioning or just look and feel better, we can help.
We have been working in the fitness industry for a long time and we constantly hear the same issues from clients.
I love training but I'm not getting the results I want
There is so much information online and I don't know where to start
I can't motivate myself to come to the gym on my own
I would like to do personal training but it's too expensive
Our model is designed to solve all the potential obstacles you face to getting the results you want.
All of our members have their own individual training program designed for their specific goals. Each program takes into account current fitness levels as well as the time that can be realistically allocated to training.
Our members have unlimited access to our training facility.
You can come in and train alone, or during dedicated group classes where a coach will be available to help you through your session.
Every month you get a one-on-one check in with your coach to keep you accountable and ensure you are on track to reach your goals.
Our Model
Our Services
Individual training program
Unlimited access to our training facility
Coached sessions
Monthly checkin in with a coach